How to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally :)
How you can lower your blood pressure naturally – starting now
How to lower blood pressure naturally is becoming more important to more people.
Of course, there are plenty blood pressure-lowering medications you can take. However, the problem with taking blood pressure drugs is that not only do they have a lot of unpleasant side-effects, but once you start taking them you have to stay on them for life to keep your blood pressure down.
This is because high blood pressure medications don’t actually treat the cause of your high blood pressure, they just dampen the symptoms.
The advantage of lowering blood pressure naturally is that doing so addresses the causes of high blood pressure. This enables you to effectively bring your blood pressure down and keep it down – and without nasty side-effects.
You could say that to lower blood pressure naturally does have some side-effects but these are good ones. Being healthier, fitter, less stressed are side-effects you’re probably happy to have 🙂
So what’s the best way to lower blood pressure naturally?
How to lower blood pressure naturally
To lower blood pressure naturally, you need to deal with the causes of your high blood pressure. These vary from person to person and there’s some element of genetics involved. However, whether hypertension runs in your family or not, there’s plenty you can do to lower blood pressure naturally.
The three main (non-genetic) causes are: eating and drinking unhealthy things, not being fit and active enough, and experiencing frequent stress.
So to lower blood pressure naturally, you need to deal with these three causes. You can focus on eating and drinking things which help lower blood pressure. You can get more exercise and be more active generally. And you can spend some time relaxing and learning how to lower your stress levels.
Which of these is the best way to lower blood pressure naturally depends on your own individual make-up and lifestyle. You might be quite sure already which of the above factors could be affecting your blood pressure. However, for many of us, our high blood pressure results from a combination of factors.
As such, the best way to lower blood pressure naturally is often to take a broad-based approach and adjust all these aspects of your lifestyle: what you eat and drink, how active you are, and how stressed you are.
For an overview on how to deal with the different causes of high blood pressure, you can click here to get our free report: Five Causes of High Blood Pressure and What to Do About Them
How to lower blood pressure naturally: 3 ways to start
To better explain how to lower blood pressure naturally, here are some specific examples to get you started.
1. Diet: eat more ‘real’ unprocessed foods
The main problem with diet for most of us is probably eating too many processed foods. I don’t just mean fast foods and take-out foods but also the plethora of ready-made goods sold in grocery stores and supermarkets.
These foods tend to be full of ingredients which contribute to raising blood pressure. Salt, so-called ‘bad’ cholesterol and trans fats are the ones which get the most bad press. But eating too many starchy foods based on refined grains – white flour etc. – can also cause high blood pressure. And scientists are now discovering that sugar is another serious culprit.
So in terms of how to lower blood pressure naturally through diet, the best thing you can do is stop eating these foods. It’s not just ready-made meals that are best avoided but also simpler ready-made foods. These include pasta sauces, condiments, pastries, cakes, processed meats, breakfast cereals. They often contain added sugar and salt – even the ones that aren’t obviously sweet or salt.
Instead, cook more of your meals from fresh ingredients. Eat plenty vegetables, fatty fish, beans and pulses. Snack on fruits, nuts and seeds. Some dairy is good too (rich in calcium for a start). And don’t worry about it being rich in fat because research is showing that low-fat diets aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.
Start at the beginning
It might sound daunting to change your diet this way but you can start with just one thing at a time – and you can start with your breakfast. Many of us eat breakfast cereals in the morning and we might think they’re healthy, but most of them contain a lot of added sugar.
Instead, have a bowl of oats in the morning. In the winter go for hot steaming porridge (you can add nuts and seeds and fruits and spices) and in summer try a bowl of crunchy muesli (again, make it yourself if you can or look for versions that don’t have added sugar).
The advantage of oats is that they are good for your blood pressure – eating oats can actually lower your cholesterol levels and stabilize your blood sugar levels, as well as keeping you going for a good while.
2. Exercise: go for a walk
There are so many ways you can exercise and be active, but perhaps the simplest is to walk. Not only is walking easy to integrate into your everyday lifestyle (with a bit of imagination), but it’s also suited to all levels of fitness.
Try going for a short walk in the morning – even if just for ten or fifteen minutes. Walk as briskly as is comfortable for you. If you can, do the same again early evening, after your day at work. Walking is not only good for the heart and blood pressure but also helps work out stress and calm the mind.
Exercise releases ‘good mood’ chemicals in your brain so you’ll not only the physical benefits but also benefits for your mind. Which brings us to the third way to lower blood pressure naturally:
3. De-stress: do some slow breathing
If you have a high-stress lifestyle – or even if you don’t – it can be really helpful for lowering blood pressure to take some time out every day to focus on relaxing. As with exercise, there are many ways you can learn to relax – yoga and meditation are the classic methods. But even things as simple as listening to music can be relaxing.
One technique that’s becoming increasingly popular is slow breathing. In 2013, the American Heart Association reviewed studies of slow breathing and found that slow breathing can lower your blood pressure literally within minutes. It’s actually the fastest way to lower your blood pressure without medication.
To get the most benefit, you really need to breathe slowly for at least fifteen minutes. The studies found that doing slow breathing for fifteen minutes a day could not only lower your blood pressure while you were doing it, but also help lower your blood pressure generally – as long as you keep practising it regularly.
Setting aside quarter of an hour each day to breathe slowly can really help you relax and lower your blood pressure naturally. After all, what’s more natural than breathing?
Many people find it helpful to use audio tracks with timed breathing prompts to breathe along with. You can listen to some samples here and see what you think: slow breathing audio samples
How to lower blood pressure naturally – the easy way
Of course there are many more ways you can increase your activity. And many more ways you can reduce your stress levels and learn to relax more deeply. And there are many healthy things you can eat and drink in order to lower your blood pressure naturally.
However, to make it simple, we’ve put together a guide to lowering your blood pressure naturally.
The guide outlines proven strategies on how to lower your blood pressure and keep it low through easy, effective and enjoyable changes in lifestyle.
The guide is arranged into nine easy to follow steps. These steps are based on the principle that positive incremental change is always best in health matters. Each chapter will take you further along the road of greater vigour and peace of mind (and a healthy blood pressure).
Click on the link below for more information:
Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally – The Complete 9 Step Guide
P.S. This guide shows you how to lower your blood pressure permanently and naturally without side-effects or complications. Follow each step to get your blood pressure back in balance.
Choose between a wide range of delicious foods that reduce your blood pressure. Include a number of mental and physical exercises in your schedule for both relaxation and invigoration.
This is a guide for good healthy living and will be beneficial for all – even if you don’t currently suffer from high blood pressure.
NOTE: You currently get a free set of slow breathing audio tracks with the guide, to help you relax and lower your blood pressure.
To download a sample of the guide to your computer right now click here and scroll to the bottom of the page for the download link.
I needed that reminder!!
out of shape, stressed, high blood pressure! that’s me!
I’m going for that stroll right now!