Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally: Step 7
This webpage is a companion to Step 7 of our book:
Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally – The Complete 9 Step Guide
Step 7 discusses the various fruits, nuts and seeds which have beneficial properties for lowering blood pressure, as well as tasty ways to eat more of them. You’d be a fruitcake and a nutcase not to try this!
Click here for more information on the book: Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally
Get Fruity, Go Nutty: Nuts, seeds, and fruits, nuts and seeds that lower blood pressure
For those of you finding your way to this page without having bought the guide, here’s of our articles on specific fruits which can help lower blood pressure:
Apples for high blood pressure
Bananas and high blood pressure
Berries for high blood pressure
Nutrition facts for fruit
A good source of information about fruits and health and diet in general, and information about specific fruits and nutrients: Raw Foods Diet Center – Fruits
How to Eat More Fruit
The UK National Health Service has useful tips on eating fruit and vegetables:
UK NHS Five a Day
The US government guidelines offer useful tips on eating fruit:
Choose my plate – fruit tips
This website is a great source of useful tips on eating more fruits and vegetables, nutrition facts etc. Fruits and Veggies – More Matters
Buying and storing fruit
Go organic
Pesticide loads in vegetables
The US-based Environmental Working Group (EWG) maintains a list of the fruits and vegetables likely to contain the most pesticides and the least. This is updated each year. You can view it online and also get it as a pdf file, or an app so you can consult it when you’re out shopping:
EWG – produce and pesticides
Organic food labelling and standards
This website has great information on organic food, including labelling issues:
Storing Fruits
You can download a handy one-page at-a-glance guide to how best to store different kinds of fruits and vegetables:
Storing fruits and veggies
Nuts and Seeds
For more ideas of incorporating nuts and seeds into your diet:
This University of California website contains information on food safety regarding nuts and the history and nutritional values of popular nuts. At the bottom, there’s a further list of links for recipes including nuts:
UC Davis Nuts and Food Safety
Send us your ideas and suggestions
If there are other websites, resources or products you’ve found useful and you think would be useful to others, please email them to us and we’ll include them: simon [at] highbloodpressurebegone.com
NOTE: This page is designed to be a companion page to Step 7 of our guide, ‘Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally’. As such, it only contains supplementary resources rather than being a full discussion of all the fruits, nuts, seeds and snacks which you can use to help you lower your blood pressure.
For more information on nuts, seeds, and fruits that lower blood pressure, you can further browse this website or, of course, buy the guide..!
Click here for details: Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally – The Complete 9 Step Guide
ANOTHER NOTE: We’ve supplied Amazon links to those products that may be a little trickier to find, as Amazon is popular and convenient to use. However, Amazon aren’t known to be the most ethical company (we do not endorse them ourselves) so we recommend buying your healthy products in your local shops if you can!